Finding great, contemporary and smart designers – designers who get the idea and get the brief first time, every time, is rare. But to find a designer who not only gets design but also gets strategy and can combine them both in a project with a compelling narrative – this is the holy grail. When you meet and work with Mike – you’ll know what I mean.
Dr. Peter Robbins (Programme director with the Department of Design Innovation in Maynooth University)
Even given the tight schedule, the quality of what Mike was able to achieve was remarkable.
Nicola McGraine (Managing Director – Conference Partners)
Mike’s contribution was invaluable – both in terms of how the project looked and also in how it performed.
Prof. Christian Horn – Chief Software Architect, Broadcast Learning, Nova UCD and Dept. Head, Computers and Maths, Dundalk Institute of Technology
Mike is not only mature and creative to work with – I also find him to be responsive, not just in time, but in taking a left-brain snippet of an idea and translating it into a right-brain image that becomes intuitively available to others.
Dr. Edward J. Kelly (Director – Networking Matters)
Mike took our products out of the lab and into the real world. We needed someone who could make a critical analysis and he was able to understand the (sometimes complex) processes that our software implements. The design and workflow he visualised was not only aesthetic but ergonomic, it also helped us to understand better what we were trying to achieve and even led us to rethink the software structure. I consider him to be the design lead for our company. Dr. Simon Wilson – Professor, School of Computer Science & Statistics, Trinity College, Dublin / CSO, Good Travel Software